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IMVU information section

Boris the engineer's IMVU designs

List of derivable ball meshes
Creating Textures for a ball
Smoothing seams on textures
List of derivable cushion meshes
Textures for the "Big Heart" floor cushion/pillow
Various other derivable meshes
Texture templates for the improved "Palm island raft"
Creating textures for an Innertube
How to force a product to update
Obsolete page:How to force a product to update in chat
IMVU Furniture seat triggers
The IMVU transparency bug and why stuff disappears
Object file formats used for IMVU designs
XMF Mesh file format
IMVU mesh morph Targets
XSF Skeleton file format
XRF Material file format
XAF Animation file format
XPF Morph file format
Object rotations in IMVU or Cal3D
Anim8or mesh export script
An IMVU avatar pose editor
Avatar skeleton node or bone breakdown
IMVU File clean up tool
Texture Template generation tool
Prototype XRF file generator
Ball mesh generator
Removing unwanted seats from IMVU furniture designs
Quick Icons for IMVU products
Boris the engineer IMVU section contents