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Gamemaker files for downloading

Version 5.3

Super Bouncy Ball:

Update and source: bouncy4.gmd 

Water Panic:

Alternative location:

Dragging with mouse: drag.gmd

Path Tracer example: pathtracer.gmd

Path Finder example: pathdemo.gmd

Path Finder in GM Studio: pathdemo.gmz (Note press 1, 2, or 3 for different strategies)

Simple platforms: gmd exe 

Simple platform script file: simple_platform.gml

Platform games with ramps: ramp_platform2.gmd

Version 6.1

Quaternions script file: quaternions.gml

Version 8.0


Other files:

DLL for use with K8055D: gm8055.dll


File types:
Executable file
Zipped Executable file
Zipped Folder(s)
Gamemaker GMD file
Gamemaker GML script